Adina Morozan
Research Engineer
Adina received her PhD degree from the University of Bucharest in 2007 on the topic of novel functional materials for fuel cells. After a two-years postdoctoral project on Enzymes and organometallic catalysts in hydrogen fuel cells at the Laboratory of Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces at CEA Saclay, she spent two years in the Aggregates, Interfaces and Materials for Energy team at ICGM in Montpellier. Her research activity has been focused on synthesis, characterization and degradation studies of non-precious metal catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in a fuel cell environment. She then moved to Grenoble to join the group of Dr. Vincent Artero in January 2014. She is working on projects related to development of photocatode for H2 production and electrochemical processes evaluation by electrochemistry techniques.
Scientific Productions:
1. A noble metal-free proton-exchange membrane fuel cell based on bio-inspired molecular catalysts
P. D. Tran, A. Morozan, S. Archambault, J. Heidkamp, P. Chenevier, H. Dau, M. Fontecave, A. Martinent, B. Jousselme, V. Artero
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 2050-2053
2. Oxygen tolerance of a molecular engineered cathode for hydrogen evolution based on a cobalt diimine−dioxime catalyst
N. Kaeffer, A. Morozan, V. Artero
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2015, 119, 13707-13313
3. Molecular cathode and photocathode materials for hydrogen evolution in photoelectrochemical devices
N. Queyriaux, N. Kaeffer, A. Morozan, M. Chavarot-Kerlidou, V. Artero
J. Photochem. Photobio. C, 2015, 25, 90-105
4. Carbon nanotubes-gold nanohybrid as potent electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction in alkaline media
A. Morozan, S. Donck, V. Artero, E. Gravel, E. Doris
Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 17274-17277
Efficient and stable electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution on bioinspired bimetallic sulfide-based electrodes
A. Morozan, H. Johnson, C. Roiron, C. T. Nguyen, P. D. Tran, S. Kinge, V. Artero
Electrolysis and Fuel Cell Discussions (EFCD 2019), La Grande Motte, France, September 15-18 2019.
Carbon nanotube supported catalysts for low carbon energy production
J. Schild, E. Gravel, E. Doris, A. Morozan, V. Artero
3ème Journée du GDR Solar Fuels, Paris, France, May 30-June 1st 2018.
Study of bio-inspired catalytic layers for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
A. Ghedjatti, N. Coutard, L. Guétaz, H. Okuno, P. Chenevier, S. Lyonnard, A. Morozan, V. Artero Réunion Plénière du GdR 3652 du CNRS HySPaC, Grenoble, France, May 23-25 mai 2018.
Novel hydrogen evolution catalysts containing a redox-active moiety
D. Sun, M. Koepf, A. Morozan, V. Artero
Journées Nationales des Carburants Solaires, Autrans, France, May 29-June 1st 2017.
Architectures de photocathodes à base de matériaux semi-conducteurs organiques pour la photo-production d’hydrogène
A. Morozan, T. Bourgeteau, D. Tondelier, B. Geffroy, B. Jousselme, V. Artero
Journées Nationales des Carburants Solaires, Autrans, France, May 29-June 1st 2017.
Bioinspired nickel molecular catalysts for H2 oxidation: optimization and integration in a noble metal-free fuel cell
N. Coutard, A. Morozan, V. Artero
Journées Chimie de Coordination, Grenoble, France, January 26-27 2017.
Cobalt diimine-dioxime: from deciphering catalytic activity to fully molecular photocathodes for hydrogen evolution
N. Kaeffer, R. Brisse, A. Morozan, C. Windle, C. Gablin, D. Leonard, B. Jousselme, M. Chavarot-Kerlidou, V. Artero
1st GRC Renewable Energy: Solar Fuels, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Lucca (Barga), Italy, February 28-Mars 4 2016.
Architectures de photocathodes à base de matériaux semi-conducteurs organiques pour la photo-production d’hydrogène
A. Morozan, T. Bourgeteau, D. Tondelier, B. Geffroy, B. Jousselme, V. Artero
Congrès 2015 de la Société Chimique de France ”Chimie et transition énergétique”, Lille, France, July 4-9 2015.
Toward the development of (photo)cathodes based on cobalt diamine-dioxime complexes: tips and tricks
N. Kaeffer, A. Morozan, M. Chavarot-Kerlidou, V. Artero
1st International Solar Fuels Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, April 26-May 1, 2015.
Oral presentations
Bio-inspired noble metal-free catalytic nanomaterials for H2 evolution
H. Johnson, A. Morozan, C. Roiron, C. T. Nguyen, S. Kinge, P. D. Tran, V. Artero
E-MRS 2019 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, May 27-31 2019.
Optimization and integration in a noble metal-free fuel cell of bio-inspired nickel molecular catalysts for H2 oxidation
N. Coutard, A. Morozan, V. Artero
FrenchBIC Meeting 2017, Toulouse, France, June 6-7 2017.
Hydrogen evolution mechanism by cobalt catalysts
D. Sun, A. Morozan, V. Artero
Journées Nationales des Carburants Solaires, Autrans, France, May 29-June 1st 2017.
Une PEMFC bio-inspirée sans métaux nobles
A. Morozan, N. Coutard, B. Jousselme, V. Artero
3ème REUNIONS PLENIERES du GdR 3652 du CNRS HySPaC, Limoges, France, May 16-18 2017.
Evaluation du mécanisme de production d’hydrogène par des catalyseurs moléculaires de cobalt
D. Sun, A. Morozan, V. Artero
GECOM-CONCOORD 2017, Forges-les-Euax, France, May 15-18 2017.
Optimization and Integration in a Noble Metal-Free PEMFC
N. Coutard, A. Morozan, V. Artero
CARISMA 2017, Newcastle University, UK, April 2-12 April 2017.
Hydrogen evolution from a photocathode based on organic photovoltaic cell coupled to catalyst
A. Morozan, T. Bourgeteau, D. Tondelier, B. Geffroy, B. Jousselme, V. Artero
E-MRS 2015 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, September 5-18 2015.