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Souvik Roy

Postdoctoral Fellow

After completing the undergraduate degree in Chemistry from Calcutta University in India, I moved to United States in 2008 to pursue research in synthetic inorganic chemistry at Arizona State University. In 2013, I received Ph. D. degree in chemistry under the guidance of Prof. Anne Jones. My research involved synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and electrochemical study of new diiron models related to [FeFe]-hydrogenases. I joined the group of Vincent Artero at CEA Grenoble in November, 2013 to work on developing artificial hydrogenases. My projects involve synthesis of diiron models which can be incorporated in proteins to construct functional artificial enzymes.

Selected Publications:

1. Biomimetic peptide-based models of [FeFe]-hydrogenases: Utilization of phosphine-containing peptides

S. Roy, T.-A. Nguyen, L. Gan, A.K. Jones

Dalton Trans. 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5DT01796C


2. From hydrogenase maturation to artificial hydrogenases

V. Artero, G. Berggren, M. Atta, G. Caserta, S. Roy, L. Pecqueur, M. Fontecave

Acc. Chem. Res. 2015, DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.5b00157


3. Artificial hydrogenases: Biohybrid and supramolecular systems for catalytic hydrogen production or uptake

G. Caserta, S. Roy, M. Atta, V. Artero, M. Fontecave

Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. ,2015, 25, 36–47


4. Catalytic hydrogen evolution by Fe(II) carbonyls featuring a dithiolate and a chelating phosphine

S. Roy, S.K.S. Mazinani, T.L. Groy, L. Gan, P. Tarakeshwar, V. Mujica, A.K. Jones*

Inorg. Chem., 2014, 53, 8919–8929



Systematic screening of hydrogen evolving catalysts in water

S. Roy, G. Berggren, M. Bacchi, V. Artero

1st International Solar Fuel Conference (ISF-1), Uppsala, Sweden


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