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Deborah Brazzolotto

PhD Student

Deborah was born in 1988 in France. She was a graduate student of the University Joseph Fourier in 2013, in which she received a bachelor degree in Biology and Chemistry and a master degree in Bio-organic and Bio-inorganic Chemistry. After getting a grant from the ARCANE Excellence Laboratory Network (LABEX), she began a PhD student in collaboration with the group of Dr. Vincent Artero at the CEA and the group of Dr Carole Duboc (Cire, DCM) at the molecular chemistry Department in Grenoble. Her current research deals with the design of  biomimetic complexes to mimic the active site of enzymes, like hydrogenase in order to reduce protons and nitrogenase in order to reduce nitrogen into ammonia, under the supervision of Dr. Vincent Artero (CEA) and Dr. Carole Duboc (DCM, team Cire).

Scientific Productions:

1. Dioxygen Activation and Catalytic Reduction to Hydrogen Peroxide by a Thiolate-Bridged Dimanganese(II) Complex with a Pendant Thiol

M. Gennari, D. Brazzolotto, J. Pécaut, M. V. Cherrier, C.J. Pollock, S. DeBeer, M. Retegan, D. A. Pantazis, F. Neese, M. Rouzières, R. Clérac, C. Duboc

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (26), pp 8644–8653

Oral communications:

1. Ni-Fe complexes mimicking the active site of Ni-Fe Hydrogenase

D. Brazzolotto, M.Gennari, F.Molton, J. Pécaut, M. Orio, F. Meyer, V. Artero, C. Duboc 

ECOSTBIO annual meeting, August 2015, Belgrade, Serbia


2. Ni-Fe complexes mimicking the active site of Ni-Fe Hydrogenase
D. Brazzolotto, M.Gennari, F.Molton, J. Pécaut, M. Orio, F. Meyer, V. Artero, C. Duboc

International IMBG, September 2015, France, Villard de Lans


3. Etude Biomimétique d’une enzyme : la Nickel Superoxyde Dismutase
July 13th 2013, Journées du Département de Chimie Moléculaire, Grenoble, France


1. Ni-Fe complexes mimicking the active site of Ni-Fe Hydrogenase
January 12th-13th 2015, ECOSTBIO, Marseille, France


2. Ni-Fe complexes mimicking the active site of Ni-Fe Hydrogenase

D. Brazzolotto, M.Gennari, F.Molton, J. Pécaut, M. Orio, F. Meyer, V. Artero, C. Duboc

Ecole Thématique, Magnétisme et Résonance Magnétique, June  2015, France, Autrans

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